
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Favorite Indie Love Songs for Cocktail Hour

For some of us (control freaks) there’s no sense in a DJ, since we know exactly what songs we want playing when.  Or maybe you’re a music buff who can’t imagine letting someone else decide what top 40 hits will be associated with your big day for eternity.  Perhaps you are simply wise enough to see the value in modern technology and know that a playlist is perfect for your reception needs. 

Whatever the reason, today there are plenty of ways to coordinate your own music.  Plus you know your style best. 

While the ceremony may lend itself to live musicians (and some churches prohibit pre-recorded music), the cocktail hour is all about mingling, while dinner is about eating – very few would pay attention to a live band at these times.

We’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite indie songs, perfect for your cocktail hour: some old (OK, mostly old – hey, they stood the test of time), some new, some borrowed (covers), some blues.   

If you’ve been jotting down your favorite songs your entire life, you already have a solid start.  But for others simply seeking a modern, appropriately paced playlist for background music, listen up: